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Frequently Asked Questions

What can a session with Alison do for me?

A: Receiving a reading from Alison, can offer a range of emotional, psychological, and sometimes spiritual benefits. Here are some key advantages in brief:

     - Closure and Healing: Medium readings can provide a sense of closure and healing for those grieving the loss of loved ones, offering comfort and the possibility of communicating unresolved issues.

     - Guidance and Clarity: Many seek readings to gain guidance on current life challenges, decisions, or directions, providing clarity and insights that might not have been apparent before.

     - Peace of Mind: Connecting with spirits or receiving messages from the other side can bring peace of mind to individuals, reassuring them about the well-being of deceased loved ones.

     - Spiritual Growth: For some, these readings can be a catalyst for spiritual growth and development, opening up new perspectives on life, death, and the afterlife.

     - Empowerment: Insights gained from readings can empower individuals to make positive life changes, resolve past issues, and face the future with confidence.

Are Tickets Refundable?

A: No, all event tickets are final sale. When booking a private 1-on-1 session with Alison, you are sent an Appointment Confirmation Email where it explains a 48 hour cancellation policy. If it’s a private 1-on-1 session on location, in your hometown, the cancellation policy is 7 days.

     - If there were to be an Act of God and the event was cancelled, all tickets would be refunded.

Am I guaranteed to connect with my loved one?

A: There are never any guarantees. Alison has never had an experience where Spirit did not come through, however it may not always be the connection you were most hoping to make. Sometimes there are important messages that need to come through, what is meant to come through, will.

I am worried you will tell me about my end of life.

A: It doesn’t work that way. At least, for Alison it doesn’t. Alison’s mission is to help heal. It takes a lot of energy, not only for Alison, but for Spirit to make a connection. They are not going to waste that energy with negative messages.

I am worried you're going to tell me I might fall ill.

A: Again, put simply, Alison’s mission is to help heal. Alison and her team of Angels will only bring through something health related, if there is something that can be done about it. It is never their goal to worry you.

How do I prepare for a session with Alison?

A: Pray. Alison’s gift is a gift from God. Pray. Even if it is not something you regularly do and you feel awkward, it’s ok, God listens with open arms. Ask for the messages he wants you to receive.

     - If you so desire, bring an item. It is not at all needed, but sometimes energies can attach to items. If you feel it is special, it probably is.

     - Come open minded. Alison understands skepticism, and even welcomes it, but to get the best experience, remember coming in, that this conversation works best when three parties are involved, Alison, Spirit, and you!

How long is your waitlist?

A: Part of Alison’s goal is to help as many people as she possibly can. She sees people either in person or virtually from her home office in Swan River, MB four to five days a week. Because of that, usually you can see Alison within 3-4 weeks of booking.

     - If you insist on seeing Alison in person in your hometown, then we keep an individual waitlist by area. We will email everyone on that list three days before announcing publicly that we are coming to your hometown to give you an advance chance to book your session with Alison. If you do not contact us then your name will go back on the waitlist for the next time we visit your area.

What if my loved ones don't speak English?

A: In the Spirit realm or dimension, there is only one language, everyone understands everyone. It is how there are mediums, including Alison, that are able to connect with Animals. Some spirits connect better than others, but it is all one understanding. When Alison connects, she connects in different ways, as do other mediums. Alison will have things written for her but when connecting with a Spirit that was an animal, it is more images and feelings that are interpreted.

If I see you at an event, am I guaranteed to get a message?

A: As much as Alison would love to get a message to everyone, it just isn’t possible at an event. Alison does her best to give as many messages and make as many connections as she can. Her hope is that if you don’t receive a message, you are able to take comfort in seeing and taking part in the energy to deliver healing to someone else.

How do I follow Alison?

A: Alison does a weekly free broadcast on Facebook on her Whispering Angels Facebook page at 8:00pm Manitoba time. Make sure to not only like her page but to click the three dots to the right of the “Like” button and make sure you click “follow” and/or are following in the drop-down menu. Most current information and announcements will run parallel to this website.

     - Sign up to “Be The First to Know” when Alison is coming to your hometown. Fill out at the bottom of this page. 

How do I book Alison for an event in my hometown?

A: Please fill out the Connect With Us section at the bottom of this page with as much detail as you can provide.

Would Alison do an event at my private function or for my fundraiser?

A: Yes, please fill out the Connect With Us form at the bottom of the page.



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