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Getting to Know Alison

and why she does what she does...

“I grew up on a farm in South-Eastern Saskatchewan, Canada, where I first felt my gift as a child, although I’m not sure I considered it a “gift” back then. I think I must have been somewhere around the age of eight. I come from a very traditionally, religious Catholic family, with my uncle even being a priest, who I very much looked up to. Because of this, it made it very hard for me to navigate this “gift” and why I would be seeing the things that I would see. I felt it was almost wrong of me to see these things and I would ask myself over and over, “Why am I seeing these things?” It started with dreaming of things, and then they would happen.


One of my first memories that stick out regarding my gift, was that one day, I couldn’t get my eyes off of a stranger in church. No matter how I tried to distract myself, my eyes were drawn in their direction. I had this sense that something was wrong, something was going to happen. Within about 10 minutes or so, that man fainted during the service.


As time went on and my gift developed, I could feel the loss of people’s loved ones before I was ever told that they had passed on. As a child this was very confusing, and I could not make sense of any of it.


Another early memory was of a woman, I could not stop staring at a tattoo on her ankle. Once again, no matter how I tried to distract myself, my eyes would go to that tattoo. It was about a month or so later, she was in an ATV accident. Unfortunately, that leg with the tattoo was torn apart at the ankle.


These events startled me and made me question, “What is wrong with me? Why do I continue to see these things that are not meant for me to see?” This is what I had been taught my whole life, that those things are not for us to see or know. I continued to question “Why? Why is this happening to me?” I turned to God. I prayed and prayed. For years, I prayed for answers. The more I prayed about it, the stronger and more developed my gift would get. The day I fully accepted that this gift was a God given gift, and I surrendered to his will and said, “Use me however you will, Lord to carry out your will. To help people get confirmation of the beautiful gifts that you have to offer all of us. To help people know that you are God and to help them restore and rejuvenate their faith in you!” That was the day that my gift really started to develop and soar. Even to this day, my gift is still expanding. I thank God for this beautiful gift every day, and I will continue to share it and help where I can, as long as he allows me to.


“Whispering Angels” is the name I came up with to represent my team of Angels that help me along the way. That have been with me throughout my life and continue to be a part of my team. My Grandfather, My Father, My Brother, My Father-in-Law, these are just a few of my beautiful team of Angels that help me every day. I could not do what I do if it was not for God and my team of Angels. I am forever grateful to them all for being in my corner.”

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"A Taste of Heaven" in Swan River, MB

Discover Events &
Private Sessions

Alison offers one hour sessions where she can offer mediumship, which is connecting with loved ones who have passed, or she can also offer her version of an Angel Reading. Sometimes, her clients come to her with general life questions, whether they be about a job, or a relationship, a move, things of that nature. Alison can connect with her Angels and even the Angels that you sometimes bring with you, and help get advice or even answers to those questions.

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